Vincent A. Simeone
Horticulturist/Lecturer/Garden Writer
ZOOM presentations now available upon request
•Brent & Becky’s Bulbs, 7463 Heath Trail, Gloucester, VA 23061 (www.brentandbeckysbulbs.com)
•Broken Arrow Nursery, 13 Broken Arrow Road, Hamden, CT 06518 (www.brokenarrownursery.com)
•Camellia Forest Nursery, 9701 Carrie Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (www.camforest.com)
•Fancy Fronds, PO Box 1090, Gold Bar, WA 98251 (http://www.fancyfrondsnursery.com )
•Forest Farm, 990 Tetherow Road, Williams, OR 97544(www.forestfarm.com)
•Gardener’s Supply Company, Burlington, VT, 1-888-833-1412 (http://www.gardeners.com/ )
•Gossler Farms, 1200 Weaver Road, Springfield, OR 97478 (https://secure.gosslerfarms.com/home.php )
•Greer Gardens, 1280 Good pasture Island Road, Eugene, OR 97401 (www.greergardens.com)
•Joycreek Nursery, 20300 NW Watson Road Scappoose, OR 97056
•Klehm’s Song Sparrow, 13101 E. Rye Road, Avalon, WI 53505 (www.songsparrow.com)
•Kurt Bluemel, Inc. 2740 Greene Lane • Baldwin, MD 21013 (http://www.kurtbluemel.com/)
•Woodlanders, 1128 Colleton Ave, Aiken SC 29801 (www.woodlanders.net)
Nuccios Nursery 3555 CHANEY TRAIL • ALTADENA, CA 91001 (626) 794-3383 https://www.nucciosnurseries.com/
•Niche Gardens, 1111 Dawson Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (www.nichegardens.com)
•Plant Delights, 9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, NC 27603 (www.plantdel.com)
•RareFind Nursery, 957 Patterson Road Jackson, NJ. 08527
(http://www.rarefindnursery.com/ )
•Swan Island Dahlias 995 NW 22nd Ave, Canby, OR 97013 www.dahlias.com
Wilson Brothers Nursery 1759 McGarity Road,
McDonough, GA. 30252 https://www.wilsonbrosgardens.com/
Public Gardens of New York and New Jersey
Bailey Arboretum (http://www.baileyarboretum.org/)
Bayard Cutting Arboretum (http://www.bayardcuttingarboretum.com/)
Brooklyn Botanic Garden (http://bbg.org/)
Clark Botanical Garden (http://clarkbotanic.org/)
Cornell Plantations (http://www.cornellplantations.org/ )
C.W. Post Arboretum (http://www.liu.edu/arboretum)
The Frelinghuysen Arboretum (http://www.arboretumfriends.org/)
Hofstra Arboretum (http://www.hofstra.edu/Community/Arbor/index.html)
Mohonk Mountain House and Gardens (http://www.mohonk.com/)
New Jersey Botanical Garden (http://www.njbg.org/)
New York Botanical Garden (http://nybg.org/)
Old Westbury Gardens (http://www.oldwestburygardens.org/)
Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park (www.plantingfields.org)
Sonnenberg Gardens (http://www.sonnenberg.org/)
Queens Botanical Garden (http://www.queensbotanical.org/)
Reeves-Reed Arboretum (http://www.reeves-reedarboretum.org/)
The Rutgers Gardens (http://rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu/default.asp)
Wave Hill, Bronx (https://www.wavehill.org/)
Willowwood Arboretum (http://willowwoodarboretum.org/)